Accounting solutions for oil & gas reporting companies.
Stability agreements covering fiscal regime over project life, involving negotiation of direct and indirect taxation imposts (royalties, payroll taxes; expatriate taxation, production based taxes)
Taxation structuring for acquisitions, divestments, mergers, capital raisings, including international tax aspects and maximising returns to owners
Transfer pricing reviews
A country’s fiscal and legal framework (including licensing, pricing structures)
Cash bidding or other similar type arrangements
Tax loss availability
Project capital and operating costs modelling
Economic and taxation for particular fiscal regimes
Corporate financial models including financial performance
Cash flow models
Value drivers (what are the value drivers in the project being considered)
Sensitivity analysis
Financial risk profile of the project
Facilitating strategy meetings/reviews
Acquisitions and divestments
Takeovers and defence against takeovers
Resource/reserve valuations
Oil Advisers has considerable experience evaluating and structuring different commercial types of arrangements such as:
Traditional service fees
Turnkey models
Non-financial targets
Sharing Risk
Gain share – payment is based on performance however returns are capped
Payment out of Production
Participating interest
Evaluation on a Project and/or Corporate basis
Modelling different Petroleum Fiscal terms
Project risking and sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo and/or decision tree analysis
Develop a framework for risk mitigating strategies
Setup cash flow forecast and budgets
Scenario modelling
Sensitivity analysis
Detailed understanding of uncertainty and the interplay between critical factors
Schedule and/or investment Optimisation
Generating models for project negotiation
Generating business plans